Saturday, May 15, 2010

card making

Ninety degrees outside yesterday.  Sheesh, that is hot for this big old belly.  The bigger I get, the more my body tells me to ssssssssssssssssslow down, which is actually quite difficult for me to do, but I am trying.  My thoughts of doing more work during the day was rather counter-productive when I was absolutely miserable by 5pm, so I'm learning to take it easier.  So on this hot, hot day, Benjamin and I took a trip over to Michael's and bought some card making supplies and made some cards together.  He pretty much just sat there and played with the glue stick, but hey, he was content and was very cute trying to smell the fake flowers.  I've never made cards before and found that it was much like scrapbooking... which I've never done before either.  Main reason for that is time constraint and the fact that we seldom print out pictures.  I thought that they all turned out adorable, but this craft is definitely not a cheap alternative to buying cards.  Actually, I find that most crafts aren't cheaper than purchasing the item, but I like to pretend that I can craft.  I pretty much can half-do any craft out there.  Not near good enough to sell, but good enough to make me happy while doing it. 

They all follow the same theme because it was just easier for me since it was my first batch of them.  And besides, they are all going to different people and I doubt these people are going to have a little party comparing my thank you cards to each other. :)

1 comment:

  1. Just catching up on your blog and this post made me smile. When I got your thank you note, I thought, "Look at how crafty she is!" Of course, I immediately began bemoaning my own slack self tendency to just buy notes. Good to know that you don't have an army of hand-made cards sitting in some beautiful craft box somewhere.
